Sensor LEDs
Standard Sensors The standard sensor has a single light on the front which will flash or go solid to indicate the function the sensor is carrying out. Activate When the sensor is activated a blue light will go solid for approximately 5 seconds, this indicates the sensor has been switched on. Please note, the light will turn off after the 5 seconds. Deactivate When the sensor is switched off a blue light will flash 5 times, this indicates the sensor has been switched off.Few readersGateway LEDs
Squizify Gateways have three LEDs, these are: Power (Red) Data (Green) Network (Blue) Power Light This light is used to indicate if the gateway is connected to a power source or running on battery. Solid: A power source is connected. Flashing: No power source is connected, the device is powered by its internal battery. Data Light The green Data light indicates when sensors are connected to the gateway, the status of this light will often vary though when everything is oFew readersSensors overview
Squizify currently offers two temperature sensors, the Standard and Long-Range. Functionally, both are very similar, the most noticeable difference is the size with the Long-Range sensor being significantly larger than the Standard, along with the Long-Range model having an orange button on the front above the barcode. Sensor Types Standard Standard Squizify temperature sensor Long-RangeFew readers
Device Setup
How to set up the gateway
WiFi Gateway (Standard) Plug your Gateway into a power source using the usb cable and the plug attachment, give it a moment for it to boot up. Using a small pointy object such as a pen press down the button on the gateway next to the power supply. The lights on the front of the gateway will turn on, first the red power on light, then the green data light, then the bluPopularHow to install and activate the sensors
Set up the gateway. Check that all of the sensors are on your profile and the serial numbers match. The serial number is found on the front of the sensors and under the names on your account as shown below. Take note of the serial number (it is easiest toSome readersHow to set up the sensors on the platform
Complete the How to install sensors before completing these steps Remember that list of serial numbers and locations, this is where this is a life saver! Open the sensors section in the Squizify app and select a sensor Select the configuration button on the top right corner of the screen This will open a menu from the right side of the screen Select the pencilFew readers
Resolving sensor alerts
If temperature sensors are fitted to monitor your fridges and freezers, you will receives ‘alerts’ if there is a problem, these alerts will appear as pop ups on the screen. You can also set up emails and text messages notifications. Actioning Alerts If an alert similar to the one below appears on your screen you must take action. The system suggests actions which can be taken, alternatively you may have the option to press custom and type in your own response. You should never press mute asSome readersHow to Manage Basic Alert Notifications for Sensors
One of the key benefits of having our Sensors installed in your refrigeration is the ability to receive timely notifications when the temperatures are out of specification. Here is a simple guide on how to add or edit these notifications. Select the Sensors heading on the Menu. Select Settings in the top right corner of the screen. On the sensor display dashboard select the sensor you wish to update - you can double check it is the correct sensor by cross referencing the serialFew readers
Resetting your Squizify temperature sensor
There are two methods for turning your Squizify temperature sensor on and off depending on which model you have. You find out which sensor you have here. () Standard sensors Hold down the button on the top of the sensor for approximately 8-10 seconds. When the senPopularMy temperature sensor is offline
How do I know if a sensor is offline? We offer three methods of identifying offline sensors: On the Sensors page the sensor will have an orange border with red dashes to replace the temperature, and red font for the date/time of the last reading. Sensor offline on the dashboard Pop up alerts within the Squizify app on your mobile/tablet device Email and/or SMS notifications (if configured)PopularHow to check the gateway is connected to the platform.
If all your sensors are offline you gateway may have lost connection, you can check if the gateway is online within the Squizify app. Log in to the Squizify App. Select 'Sensors' on the left side menu. Select 'Settings' on the top right. Click 'Setup' at the top of the right side menu. Press the 'refresh' button to the left of the gateway name. Check the 'Last Uplink Received Time' which should be the current date and time if the gateway is online. (https://storage.crSome readersHow to restart a gateway
Some issues may be resolved by restarting the gateway, our support team will advise you if this if required. To restart your gateway Use the top of a ballpoint pen (or something similar such as a paperclip, just make sure you use nothing sharp) to push in the button located next to the USB-C port. Push and hold the button down for approximately 5 seconds or until the blue light flashes once. Let go of the button then allow up to 5 minutes for the process to complete. (httpSome readersMy temperature sensor keeps losing connection
The most common cause of sensors regularly losing connection and generating offline notifications is signal issues between the sensor and gateway. What can I do? Test near another working sensor The first step is to place the sensor next to a working sensor and wait to see if the sensor maintains a connection. You can do this by: Remove the sensor from the food storage unit. Place the sensor next to a confirmed working sensor Wait to see if the sensor continues to go offlinFew readers