Audit Squiz - Dashboard
Why Audit Squiz Audit Squiz is used to perform audits at an area manager level and above. This is separate from the forms section as it has more detailed reporting and cannot be completed ad hoc, these must be scheduled. The main difference between Forms and Audit Squiz is the Audits Dashboard. Using Audit Squiz and the Dashboard you can see the previous percentages of audits before starting new ones, frequently failed items, any actions creates and search photos from audits down to eachFew readersAdding actions to audits
Any actions created in Audit Squiz can be viewed by pressing the actions button on the left hand menu within Audit Squiz. The actions will be grouped by the audits they belong to. You can search for an audit using the: Search bar Filter bar By Audit, By Venue buttons Scrolling down the page Press on the name of the audit, this will give you a summary of the actionFew readersCreating an Audit
Creating an audit is exactly the same process as creating a form. Please reference 'Creating a Form' also on the support center. The differences between creating an audit and a form are: an audit needs to be published. an audit cannot be completed ad-hoc it must be completed according to its schedule audit reporting is done through the Audit Squiz Dashboard. This summarizes the information on all audits. an audit can only be completed by a User with Area Manager or above access.Few readersStarting an Audit
Select Audit Squiz in the left hand menu bar Select Audits Select the audit you want to complete Select which venue you are completing the audit for by selecting start Follow the prompts on how to answer the questions (https://storage.crisp.chatFew readersHow to view completed audits
Go to the Audit Squiz tab on the menu on the left side of the screen. This will automatically open the dashboard and select completed You can search for an audit using the: Search bar Filter bar By Audit, By Venue buttons Scrolling down the page Press on the name of the audit, this will give you a summary of the completed audit: Audit Name Location and IDFew readers