How to Generate a Corrective Action Report
If you need to review what Corrective Actions have been logged by staff in Squizify you can run a Corrective Actions Report (CAR). Here are the steps to follow to find the information you need. From the Main Menu scroll down to the bottom and click on Reports. This will open up the Reports dashboard. In the top section, click on the drop-down list and select Corrective Actions Report. This will then open the Source menu, where you can select the type of CAR you wish to reFew readersHow do I know which report to run?
Compliance Results Cleaning Cleaning checklists percentage of completion Equipment Temperature Records All the temperatures taken for equipment Product Temperature Records All the temperatures taken for products Equipment Calibration All the calibration results Temperature Check Shows the completion of each item being completed or not completed Use By Date Shows the use by date results of all entered Council RepoFew readersHow to generate a report
Select Reports at the bottom of the main left menu Using the drop down menu select the section that the report is in If you are unsure reference the report contents in the Squizify Help Centre Using the drop down menu select the Category of the report Change the date period using the date box next to the categoryFew readersWhat Information is in the Label Report
Running a label report can provide a great deal of insight into what is happening in your business. For example, which staff member is doing the most food prep, how much volume of a product is being prepared each day etc. Here is a run down of how to extract the data you require from the Reports section. From the Main Menu scroll down the bottom to Reports to open the reporting dashboard. In the top area, click on the drop-down list next to Section and select Label. This wiFew readersHow do I run a Sensor or Temperature Report
There are a number of ways that you can access the sensor records to see what your fridges (or other sensors) have been up to. Here are a few examples: 1. From the Sensor Dashboard - you can click on any sensor to see the temperature records. The default view is 1 Day, but you can change this by clicking on the dropdown box and selecting one of the preset options, or use the Custom option to select a specific time period that you wish to see. ( readers