Articles on: Tasks

What do the Traffic Lights on my Task Lists Represent?

On the Task Menu you will see various coloured circles beside each Checklist that indicates the status of the list.  This helps you keep track of which tasks are completed, completed late, or incomplete.  Eg:

Here is an explanation of what the colors represent.

All Checklists start out blue each day.  This means that they have not been started at all.

When a Checklist has been started, but not completed, the outline of the circle will go green to indicate it is in progress.

When the Checklist has been fully completed, in the correct timezone, it will go fully green.

A full red circle means the Checklist was completed outside of the required timezone.

A red outline means the Checklist was not fully completed.  It could either be partially, or fully incomplete.

Updated on: 13/03/2024

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