Articles on: Sensors & Gateways

Resolving sensor alerts

If temperature sensors are fitted to monitor your fridges and freezers, you will receives ‘alerts’ if there is a problem, these alerts will appear as pop ups on the screen. You can also set up emails and text messages notifications.

Actioning Alerts

If an alert similar to the one below appears on your screen you must take action. The system suggests actions which can be taken, alternatively you may have the option to press custom and type in your own response. You should never press mute as this could lead to food safety non-compliance!

You can also find a list of alerts (unresolved alerts will display in a red box) at the bottom of the sensors page.

Resolving Alerts

Select the alert and select notes or action, whatever is appropriate for the time. Either create a note (resolved itself, all items temperature checked, back online) or action to a manager (needs repairs broken, temperature not regulating) and assign a manager to be able to ensure the information is given on. 

Once done you can press the arrow on the far right hand side of the screen and select resolved
This moves the alert into the resolved alerts area and means you have a record of what has occurred, 

Understand Sensor Colours

When you look at the sensors dashboard you will notice the sensor borders and temperature will be coloured, green means the sensor temperature is within the acceptable temperature range, red means they are not.

If you are concerned about a sensor you can check them by pressing the sensor on the page and seeing what it looks like on the graph (a perfect cooling unit looks like a heartbeat).

Useful resources

My temperature sensor is offline
Resetting your Squizify sensor

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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