Articles on: Tasks

Period Check Updates

We have expanded our functionality of the period check on Tasks sections.

To explain Period check in general, the way it works is to only show certain sections on certain days depending on the period check. The options we have for Period checks are Week, Fortnight, Month, Day of Month, Quarter, Year, these are all explained below.

Using Week as an example to demonstrate if a task is set to Period check enabled, a section can be set to no Unit, this would mean that it shows every day, or a Unit can be selected, in this case Week, can be selected on each Section. A section that has Week unit and Monday selected that section would only show on Mondays, and if a different section is selected as Tuesday that section would only show on Tuesdays.

Using Period checks is a great way to ensure that the task only needs to be once per frequency, ie. once per week for a weekly task or once per year on a yearly task, but making the task much simpler as it will only show the requirements for that day rather than all sections.


Select a day of the week that each section will show, you can also select no unit on a section which will then show that section everyday. It is recommended that Week period is used on weekly or daily tasks.


Fortnights work the same as week but over an extended period, when you select a day of the fortnight for that section to show you will see 1st Mon, 1st Tue etc. until you get to 2nd Sat and 2nd Sun, it will also show you to the right when the next Fortnight will begin. What these selections mean are the day that the fortnight begins is 1st Mon, using the example below this means the 20/5/2024 would be the 1st Mon and you can work out when you need each section to show using that date as a reference. The task will generate upon save so won't wait until the next fortnight to begin for compliance purposes. It is recommended that Fortnight period is used on weekly or daily tasks.



Select a month for the section to show for the entire month, ie. Jan, Feb, Mar etc. It is recommended that Month period is used on monthly or yearly tasks.

Day of Month

Select a day of the month that the section will appear every month, ie. 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. There is also the option to show the section on the Last day of the month, this would dynamically adjust to each month, ie. 30th of September, 31st October, 28th Feb etc. It is recommended that Day of Month period is used on daily, weekly or monthly tasks


Select a quarter of the year that the section will appear, there are four options with them working on calendar quarters, Q1 is Jan, Feb and March, Q2 is Apr, May and Jun etc. It is recommended that Quarter period is used on a yearly task.



This is a more controlled period as you can select an exact day of the year to show the section, ie. show this section on only the 4/Jun every year. It is recommended that Year period is used on a yearly task.


Something to be aware of when setting up a task where there are days that has no requirement, ie. a Yearly Task that is only showing in Q1, Q2 and Q4 during Q3 it will show in the side menu but will be an empty task and the user will be informed there is no task information found.

Updated on: 16/06/2024

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