Articles on: Sensors & Gateways

How to install and activate the sensors

Set up the gateway.

Check that all of the sensors are on your profile and the serial numbers match.
The serial number is found on the front of the sensors and under the names on your account as shown below.

Take note of the serial number (it is easiest to make note of the last 4 digits instead of the whole number)

Write down where you will be placing the sensors next to the serial numbers you have noted.

Activate the sensors, this is done by holding down the button located on the top of the sensor for 10 seconds. A blue light will appear on the front of the sensor and should be solid for 5 seconds. (this can be hard to see under direct light so covering the sensor with your hand to create a darker environment will help you see the light.)
If the blue light flashes please follow the same process above a second time.

Check if the sensors have taken a read. This is done by looking at the time and date below the temperature of the sensor. (These may automatically start reading or take up to 5 minutes to receive the first read)

Now all sensors have read place them into their designated units. (fridges, freezers, holding units) (Ensure you receive 2 reads from the sensor inside the units before mounting to ensure connection.)
You can do this by using the double sided tape on the back of the sensor or by using the zip ties provided.
We recommend you place the sensors away from the doors of the units and up high so they will not be disturbed
You can now follow the How to set up the sensors on the platform document to set the temperature alerts and name the sensors.

Useful resources

Sensor LEDs - What do they mean?

Updated on: 11/06/2024

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