Articles on: Sensors & Gateways

How to check the gateway is connected to the platform.

If all your sensors are offline you gateway may have lost connection, you can check if the gateway is online within the Squizify app.

Log in to the Squizify App.

Select 'Sensors' on the left side menu.

Select 'Settings' on the top right.

Click 'Setup' at the top of the right side menu.

Press the 'refresh' button to the left of the gateway name.

Check the 'Last Uplink Received Time' which should be the current date and time if the gateway is online.

If the gateway is not connected follow our guide to restart the gateway

How to restart a gateway

If the gateway still does not connect follow our guide to reconfigure the gateway

How to install the gateway
Pro tip: Make sure you have your wifi name and password before starting!

Updated on: 30/04/2024

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