Articles on: Admin Settings

What do the Section Settings mean when adding or editing a task?

If you have "Period Check Enabled" on your Task List, you will be able to set specific tasks to be done "Everyday" as well as allocating certain tasks to specific days of the week.  Your Section Headings will look like this:

This will mean when your staff go to complete the Task List, they will see jobs that are specific to the one day each week, as well as the regular daily jobs, like this:

If you don't require these Daily options, uncheck the Period Check Enabled option.  This will enable you to create one single list, or customise your own Section headings.

To start customising your list, click on +Section Settings and the form will open up further.

Section Name
This is the Section Heading that will appear on your list.  If using the Daily options, this will default to the days of the week.  

Here you can enter any general information about what is required when completing this task, reference documentation, equipment or general notes, if required.

Row Type:
Text - enables you to enter free text for each of the rows on the task list.
Product - creates a drop down list which requires the User to select from the Master Product List
Equipment- creates a drop down list which requires the User to select from the Master Equipment List
User - creates a drop down list which requires the User to select a name from the User List 

Filler Can Add Rows
Use this option if you want the user to add new rows for each record on the list. Otherwise you will need to enter each row separately to create a set list for the user to complete (see +Add Row below)

Hide Row Name
We recommend you always select this option to simplify the form for Users.

Car View Enabled
(Currently inactive - leave blank)

Description Collapse Default
Select this if you would like the description to not open up when the User is completing the list. (We recommend leaving this blank if you have provided a Description above.

Description Collapse Enabled
Select this if you would like the User to be able to collapse the Description when completing the task._._

Select "Week" to enable the daily headings to be populated in your list (see Week Value)

Week Value
Enables you to select the appropriate day of the week for specific tasks to be added to your task.

Don't forget to Save your list when you have finished.

Updated on: 12/03/2024

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