Articles on: Admin Settings

Temporarily closing a venue

If you have closed your store temporarily you can pause Squizify by closing the Store in our App.

Log in to the Squizify application, and go to Settings located in a dropdown menu when you click your icon in the top right.

Go to Venue Closure in the left hand side menu and select the Venue you need to close. Once you selected the venue, click on the blue CLOSE VENUE button.

Select the date from which the store needs to close and the last day of closing.

Add your reasons for closing and select if you want to repeat this. Once done click SAVE and your venue will now be marked as closed between the dates you have selected.

Select if this needs to be repeated and once done click SAVE. Your venue will now be marked as closed between the dates you have selected.

Updated on: 12/03/2024

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