Articles on: General

How to Upload a Recipe

Recipes are an integral part of any food business. The Squizify Recipe module ensures that all staff, whether in a single location, or across Australia, or across the world, are on the same page. Recipes can capture step-by-step instructions, including photos and videos of how your products are made.

Once created, you can immediately push across multiple locations. Systemising operations gives you the ability to roll out new content and have it live within hours not weeks.

Here are the simple steps to create your own Recipe card.

From the main menu, select General.

Go to Product Info.

Select Recipes.

Click +Add New.

When the Add New Recipe menu pops out you can start to fill in the information for your recipe.  You don't need to fill in every field, just the ones that are relevant to your business or individual requirements.

Here are some of the sections you can complete:

Title: The name of your recipe

Subtitle: Any extra information or details you wish to add.

Area: This determines where the recipe will sit on the Recipe home page.  You can create these using the Settings menu on the home page.

Category: If you have created sub-categories for the Areas (from the Settings menu above i.e. Burgers/Mains) you can fill this out using the drop down.

Locked by Head Office: Tick this if you do not want anyone at a manager level and lower to be able to change your recipe.

Activate QR Code: This enables users to see a video or recipe information by scanning a QR Code generated by the system.

Visible: This gives you the ability to hide any recipes you are not using at the time. This can be handy for seasonal menus, or specials

Approved: Tick the approved box if you want to be able to display the recipe on a label later on.

Information: Click on the three lines to open this section.  Enter any other items you want to include for your recipe. Tick Approved if you want to make this information available via QR Code.

Ingredients:  Add each ingredient (quantity and product).  Press the +Add Ingredient to add new items or delete using the bin icon. Tick Approved if you want to make this information available via QR Code

Instructions: Fill in each step of the recipe, you can add an image for each step using the + Add Image and add each step by pressing +Add Instructions.

Equipment: Add any equipment you will use for this task including an image if needed

Allergen:Tick the boxes relevant to any allergens in your recipe. Tick Approved if you want to make this information available via QR Code.

Nutrition: Complete the information as required by filling out the boxes that apply.  Tick Approved if you want to make this information available via QR Code

You can add a video by dragging the file or browsing your computer using the browse hyperlink.
You can add a preview image by dragging the file or browsing using the browse hyperlink (remember this must be a JPEG)

Press Save and your recipe is complete.

Updated on: 14/03/2024

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