Articles on: Getting Started

Glossary of Terms

This guide is intended to help define some of the common terms used when navigating the Squizify platform. This is helpful when providing training or support to provide clarity about the issues being discussed, or to explain the differences between various features like Forms and Audits.


An Action can be created from within most Tasks or directly from the Action menu. This creates an email to be sent to the appropriate Users when they need to follow up on a specific issue. Actions can have priority levels and completion dates set so that important issues don't get overlooked. The status of Actions (current or completed) can be viewed from the Action menu. You can also set up Dashboard Notification as a visual reminder before the item becomes overdue.


An Alert is a type of Dashboard Notification that is created from the General/Alert menu. It is useful for highlighting upcoming events, or one-off issues that need to be addressed.


An Audit is used, as the name suggests, for performing an audit of your Venue. Audits can be completely customised for any purpose and include a scoring feature so you can compare how different Venues are ranked against each other, or how they have improved over time.


Your Brand is the top level reference for your organization. This is the name that appears in your Squizify URL when you are on an internet browser. A Brand may have only one Venue, or it could have multiple Venues.

Dashboard Notification

Dashboard Notifications can come from a range of sources, such as Actions, Alerts, Maintenance, Sensors and other reminder functions in Squizify. They appear as a yellow banner on the top of every screen.


A Form is used for recording information on an ad-hoc or infrequent basis. Forms are very similar to Audits but do not include scoring. Forms can be used/started at any time, or set up on a reminder schedule which can be handy to ensure that reports don't get missed.


When building a digital Task, each Row contains the jobs that need to be recorded.


A Task can be broken down into Sections. These might be different areas in your Venue (Such as BOH/FOH or Cafe/Bakery/Kitchen) or they could literally be a new Sections of a Task that needs to be completed differently. Sections contain Rows which are the individual jobs or questions on each Task.


Staff are individual team members that don't have their own User profile, but instead are provided access to specific areas via the Staff Pin feature.


A Task is a digital version of what would previously be a paper based form from your food safety program. Tasks are found under the Task Menu and are allocated Daily/Weekly/Monthly frequencies or can be set up under location headings such as FOH/BOH/Cafe/Kitchen etc.

Task Menu

The Task Menu is found on the Main Menu usually on the left side of you screen. It holds all the routine Tasks that form part of your food safety compliance. These are usually repetitive things that must happen on a Daily/Weekly/Monthly basis. If anything falls outside of this frequency, it is often better to set them up as a Form or Audit.


A User has their own specific email and login. Depending on the Access Level allocated, they may have access to one or multiple Venues.

User Icon

The User Icon appears in the top right of the screen and displays the initials of the current User.


A Venue is an individual location linked to a Brand. Different industries might call different locations Stores, Facilities, Outlets. To keep things simple in Squizify we call them all Venues.

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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