Articles on: Forms

Creating a form

Forms are a culmination of inspections, reports and logs that you can create to ensure your business is running smoothly, while adhering to Food Safety Regulations and compliance. So let's look at how to create a form.

Log in to the Squizify application, and go to Forms in the lefthand tab.

In the new left hand menu now display click on Templates and click the blue + New button to create a custom form.

Enter the form name, along with a short description which will tell users in a single sentence what this is for. The longer description can be a more detailed explanation.

By default a Section with a single Question will be created for you. Name the section accordingly. At anytime you can add more sections by clicking the blue + ADD NEW SECTION text at the bottom.

Click on the edit icon next to the Enter Question input field to create your question.

The right hand side bar will slide out, enter the question.

For the question click the edit pencil next to Type of responses to pick how you would like your user to respond to the question.

There are predefined responses such as Yes/No or Compliant buttons. you can also scroll down and select Text answer, date entries, etc. Select whichever one fits you need for the given question.

You can edit the choices by clicking on the pencil icon next to a response. You can edit the response and enforce certain requirements such as an image or comment is required.

The score will accumulate, and be displayed in the final report. If you enter a score we suggest you use a rating system such as 1 or 0 for a No and 3 for a yes.

Once done click the blue Save button which takes you back to the Edit Question screen.

You can also identify additional requirements for the question itself by selecting the right checkboxes, for instance is it mandatory to complete this question before submitting the form, or is an image always required for any answer in the question.

Save the question, which brings us back to the form. you can add more questions under the section by clicking the blue + ADD NEW QUESTION text.

If you need to move a question to a different section merely click on the blocks next to the question and drag and drop it to where you want.

Once completed, click the blue S**ave button** at the bottom or top. Your form is now created.

Note: For added insurance and comfort you can Preview you new form by clicking the grey Preview Button. A right hand slide out will appear where you can see what the form will look like in tablet, mobile and desktop format.

You can further edit the Form by clicking the blue Settings button at the top. Here you can add in notifications that will inform you when a Form is Started, Completed or Expired and you can add in Expiry Days - basically identify in how many days the form expires once started or if it's overdue.

Again click the blue Save button, and you are now ready to have your users complete the necessary form when required.

Updated on: 18/03/2024

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