Articles on: General

Create an Alert for your Store

If you have important information you want to share with your team, you can create an "Alert" that will show up in an orange banner on all screens in Squizify.  You can chose to have the notification visible for a set time frame, or to disappear once it is acknowledged by someone.

Here is our simple guide to set up an Alert.

Select General from the main menu.

Then select Alerts.

Select Add in the top right hand corner and a popup form will appear.

In Message type the text that will be displayed in the banner.

You can record a Severity  for the alert to note it's importance.
Display from: When you want this Alert to display from; start date and time
Display until: When you want this to finish displaying; stop date and time
Display from: When you want this Alert to display from; start date and time
Repeat every: Select either Weekly or Monthly to create a recurring alert.
Stores: If you have multiple locations, select the stores you want this to be displayed to
States: As above, some alerts may be governed by the state
Need user acknowledgement: Tick this if you want the user to have to confirm having seen this
Discard after user acknowledgement: If you want the alert to disappear after they confirm having seen the alert, or leave this blank so that it remains for the whole period.
Upload a video: You can upload a supporting video to help get the message across

Don't forget to select Submit when completed.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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