Articles on: Admin Settings

Add and Edit Products, Equipment & Temperature Ranges to Temperature Checklists

How to add Products and Equipment to a Temperature Task List

Add the Master Product or Master Equipment to the list

Add the Master Product or Master Equipment to the task

Add compliance

Add any pictures, videos or instructions


How to Add a Product or Equipment to a Temperature Task List

Select your initials in the top right hand corner of the screen

Select Settings

Select Master Tasks in the left hand menu

Select any of the Tasks that require temperature checks
(Temp Check AM/PM, Deliveries, Cook Chill)

Scroll down the list until you see the sections.

Select Add Row

To view the rows select the arrow on the right side of the section

To view the row setting select the arrow to the right side of the row name

When the row settings is expanded there are many different features you can add
Alert Franchisee For Compliance (tick this box to activate)
Locked by Head Office (tick this box to make this row unable to be edited at a store level)
Ignore for task completion (tick this box to make this row unnecessary to complete the task list)
Files (you can load a photo or a video of the task)
Notes (you can add a step by step on completing the task or any information required)
Sample Image (tick this box to add a sample image of what the task should look like, when you select this it will ask you to load an image)
Make store configurable (tick this to allow the stores to change the image to make it relevant to their site)
Description (you can add a description of the task)
Compliance list (add the temperature or times that are acceptable for the row)

Adding a Temperature Range to a Temperature Task

Select your initials in the top right hand corner of the screen

Select Settings

Select Master Tasks in the left hand menu

Select any of the Tasks that require temperature checks (Temp Check AM/PM, Deliveries, Cook Chill)

Scroll down the list until you see the sections.

To view the rows select the arrow on the right side of the section

To view the row setting select the arrow to the right side of the row name

When the row is extended select the + to the right of the Compliance list

Using the drop down menu select Temperature drop down.
(for cook chill select the column name that you would like to add the temperature compliance to)

Add in the minimum and or maximum acceptable temperature.

(if you add just a maximum the system will automatically recognise anything below that temperature is acceptable.)

Select Save

To edit the compliance select the pencil next to the compliance

To delete select the X

Reminder: Don't forget you need to add this Compliance List to every row!

Updated on: 14/05/2024

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